Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) works to incorporate young people in the ministries of the Catholic faith. The primary goal of CYM is to draw the youth to responsible participation in life, Catholic mission, and the work of the local faith community. In doing so, young people learn what it means to imitate Christ in their lives from a young age.

Through the imitation of Christ, Catholic Youth Ministry encourages youth to become empowered to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today. CYM presents young people with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and offers them a means of applying this Good News to their lives through stewardship and service in Harrison, Arkansas, active involvement in the ministries of Mary Mother of God Parish, and activities that nurture formation through responsibility and charity

Catholic Youth Ministry seeks to foster the spiritual growth of each young person, and is concerned with all aspects of their lives. This includes promoting positive adolescent development and growth in Christian discipleship and Catholic identity. CYM also builds a strong sense of a Catholic youth community in a geographical area where Catholics are a small minority.

At Mary Mother of God Parish, the youth are encouraged to take part in the liturgical ministry of the Mass. The youth serve as Altar servers at every Mass, as well as offering a special Youth Mass once a month during the “school year calendar”.   Every year CYM holds an Easter Egg Hunt, End of School Year Event, help with Vacation Bible School, are invited to attend a Catholic Youth Conference during the summer months, a Back-to-School BBQ & Pool Party, an All Saints Day Celebration, & Veteran’s Day Program (along with PREP,) and during December the youth go Christmas Caroling to the homebound of our Parish.

The youth also take part in many other various events and missions to help our Church and surrounding community throughout the calendar year.

CYM raises money through the generosity of our wonderful church organizations like the Knights of Columbus, Catholic Christian Women, and individuals who give so freely to support our many causes.  CYM additionally holds Easter Basket Raffles, and they also have the CYM Store periodically that offer a variety of religious items to purchase.

For more information, please contact the Mary Mother of God Parish office.