Altar & Rosary Society consists of all of the ladies of Mary Mother of God Parish. The Altar Society helps with parish activities, assists with the needs of parishioners and their families, help provide funeral dinners, and donate to charities in Harrison, Arkansas.
The Altar & Rosary Society help lead Mary Mother of God Parish in praying the Rosary before Masses and provide great support for the sick through prayer and caring for those in need.
The ladies of the parish also assist with maintenance of the church. All of the sacristans at Mary Mother of God are members of the Altar & Rosary society. Their main responsibility is to maintain the sacristy, keep the vestment and cloth used for the Altar clean, and design the interior of the church to match the liturgical seasons.
Most of all, the ladies of the Altar & Rosary Society are a social group that involve the parish in many functions and activities and they do all the necessary work to make church functions a success. The Altar & Rosary Society truly is at the heart of fellowship at Mary Mother of God Parish.
The ladies of the Altar & Rosary Society meet on the second Thursday of every month, from August through May. Before the business meeting, the ladies say a rosary and celebrate Mass. Meetings are followed by a potluck, unless meetings are held with “breakfast.” Decision on the matter are made at a prior meeting.
The ladies of Mary Mother of God Parish fund their activities and donations through fund raisers. The two prominent fund raisers are the Spring Raffle and the August Rummage Sale. There aren’t any dues for joining.
For more information, contact Mary Mother of God Parish Office.